Tuesday, August 10, 2010

August 6th

Today was the 65th anniversary of the day Hiroshima was bombed in WWII. So making a day trip to Hiroshima today was pretty interesting. There was a ceremony for all those that passed away or injured on that day starting at 8:15am but we couldn't make it there that early. We left around 9:30am and got there three hours later. It was Cassy's first experience on the bullet train so she was pretty excited.

(we actually got on the wrong train, the one shown, and we had to get off at the next station and switch trains lol)

It took us about 3 hours to get to Hiroshima, but if anyone knows how Cassy and I are, then you know that those 3 hours felt like 20 minutes.

We had to take another small trolley to get to the site, but once we got there the main building is sitting right in front of you. Since today was the anniversary, there were a lot more people there then usual.

This guy was painting this on the street right in front of the building. Great painting if you ask me.

Back when the bomb fell, there was one older lady that was seriously injured and while she was laying in her hospital bed, she slowly started to fold paper cranes to help ease her mind and before she died, she folded nearly 1000 cranes. Being a true story, every year since then, people all across the country in memory of her and as an symbol for peace, fold 1000 cranes and send it to the Hiroshima Museum. There were so many cranes everywhere and we even found trash bags full of them laying around the sidewalks.

Cassy obviously fell in love with the paper cranes.

Here is a picture of what Hiroshima looked like after the bomb fell. The center building in the image is the memorial building that Cassy and I took a picture of earlier.

The left picture shows pictures of the actual mushroom clouds from the bomb. And on the right, the red ball indicates where the bomb exploded. The bomb didn't actually hit the ground, but exploded in the air which results in greater damage.

Flag at half mast

The museum was extremely sad and I didn't take many photos because I wasn't really thinking about taking pictures while viewing everything. But after we left the museum, we walked around the surrounding area and just soaked in the environment and people.

Some guy was playing his violin in memory of his great grandmother. He wasn't very good but his story made his music beautiful.

We crossed the bridge that the pilot who dropped the bomb was aiming for. Kinda strange to stand there and think that something like this actually happened only 65 years ago.

Our train back was at around 5:30 so we got to spend about 3 hours in Hiroshima. I'm not to familiar with the surrounding area so we just mainly came here for the museum.

Cassy with her little bunny ears on the bullet train...

Overall our trip worked out really well. The weather was great, the train was fast, and we both had a really great time together. Being at Hiroshima on the anniversary was also really interesting.

Needless to say, I was starving like always...

So when we got back to Wani, my home town, I made Cassy go to Fuji Ramen with me.

I got a 24 ounce Asahi draft and a おおもり Ramen (Extra Large) and killed it within like 15 minutes.

This is my favorite restaurant and favorite food...

Haha, don't worry, I finished my beer. This was the perfect way to end the day. After I got home I knocked out...

If you ever come to Japan, make sure you visit Hiroshima to learn from History, and make sure you get a good bowl of noodles.


  1. So, no credit to your poor old dad who got you hooked on Fuji Ramen?

  2. I'm now going to be dreaming about an 'omori' bowl of ramen and large cold beer at Fuji Ramen.... thanks ;-)
